Photobox: Feelings and Film with Mirjam Dalire

In this installment of the Davaoist Photobox, we introduce you to Ms. Mirjam Dalire. She is a 17 year old graphic design student and photography enthusiast who was born and raised here in Davao City. Mirjam is one of the young Davaoeño photographers who just decided to throw their DSLRs under their beds or somewhere and then started getting serious with Film Photography. If you would ask other Film Photographers here in the city, they would say that Mirjam is somewhat a prodigy. At a very young age she is already capable of producing photos that are impressively filled with substance and emotions. The type of photos that could freeze you for a moment in your seat not just because it is very visually stunning, but also because they make you want to figure out what was going inside Mirjam's head when she took it.

Here's the story on how Mirjam got into photography. " I started taking pictures 5 years ago, I think I was 12 then. I started because I wanted to have nice profile picture on Friendster, it’s funny but it’s the truth. I used to play around photoshop, I took photos using my mom’s cellphone then I would edit it. Then a year later my parents got my sister a DSLR, the whole thing started there. I took self timer portraits using a tripod, I used to go to my bestfriend’s house, and forced her to be my model, then I met a few people who share the same passion with me a year ago, we would go around Davao and take photos. I started shooting in film last January. Photography changed me as a person, it taught me how to express myself in different ways."
The best thing about this girl is that she feels every shot that she takes. Her process is that she channels her emotions first, points her camera to something or something that can relate to those her emotions and then Viola! Another awesome piece of art. When we asked her about what inspires her, she said, " I’m inspired by my own emotions, When I’m feeling lonely I just shoot, it’s how I express myself, that’s probably why my pictures are sort of dark, I shoot feelings not style. I’m also inspired by the music I listen to, sometimes I post pictures and link tunes with them, so the viewers could actually feel the picture more because of the music playing, I’d like to take them to the actual scene, like a music video.
"I’m inspired by my own emotions, When I’m feeling lonely I
just shoot, it’s how I express myself."
We asked Mirjam about some things and below are some bits and pieces of that interview.
Davaoist: What can you say about the emerging Film Photography movement in the city right now?
Mirjam: It’s really great how people are starting. Film photography is a great escape from our regular stressful lives, I have lots of friends who are into it now, and they are really enjoying it. I’d say the more people are into it the merrier it will be!
Davaoist: Do you have any advice for those young Davaoeños who also want to try Film Photography or photography in general?
Mirjam: Surround yourself by passionate people. Just play your cameras, experiment, be simple and just keep on shooting.
See more photos shot by Mirjam by checking out
Here are some of the though.
Written by: Black and White ( contributor)
Artist Suggested by: Ansoy Ming
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