Portfolios: Mark Jay Caccam
Mark Jay Caccam is master of photo manipulation. He now works as a freelance graphic designer at Odesk and he is probably raking in a lot of clients judging on the high quality output that he can create. You will surely never get bored if you visit his gallery in deviantart.com, especially if you like those really visually stimulating graphics which can only be achieved with the proper skills and as well as tools in the craft of turning ordinary images into totally majestic pieces.
I think the best artworks of Mark are the ones which he used the skull element. I am a big fan of skulls. I think the skull and the idea that it symbolizes is very profound. That is the reason why I think that every artist should treat it with respect whenever they try to incorporate it with their work. This guy may or may have not known that but he is doing a really fine job at it. His portfolio can surely make you see the limitless possibilities of the field in digital art that he have chosen. They may even take you to a place which is way beyond that.
Take a look at the works of Mark Jay
