DavaoiList: 8 Running Shoes That Tops in Function and Style
Running is
not just a form of exercise or a skill or whatever you might want to label it. It
is not a lifestyle or a requirement to belong to another commercially backed
sub-culture. Running is our birth right. We are endowed with this ability to
explore our world in a much faster pace. Sometimes it is our defense from
danger. I am one of those guys, who always run whenever I get the feeling that
I would get into trouble. I run really fast too. I always pick it as an option
when I get to the point where I get to choose between injuring my typing
fingers and pounding some douche bag’s head until it turns into a burger patty.
The running
shoes industry has evolved significantly in just a really short period of time.
The shoes that were being sold back then never really had any science applied
on them at all. They were just plain old textile and rubber sewn together to
protect someone’s foot. But in this day
and age, the running shoes in the market already have some really awesome
features that could certainly make any runner love running even more. I know I
have talked about running being a birth right and how we should go back to
seeing it a genuinely natural human activity but, you need to make sure that
you got the right gear whenever you are running. It is totally different from
walking around wearing an “I AM RUNNER” shirt and an unused pair of sneakers.
like Saucony, Brooks, K-Swiss, (hmmmm) Nike are doing a really great job in revolutionizing
and improving the shoes that runners from all over the world wear. There are also other companies who are also
making a name in the running shoes market. They have really awesome
products that will surely fit your needs perfectly.
Here are our best 8 running shoes:

Asics Gel Nimbus 13

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Nike Fly Knit One

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Reebok Zigtech
Read Review

Brooke Pure Drift

This is our list. But if you want to suggest one that you think should belong in our list, feel free to tell us through the comment box. :)