Claire De Lune |
Have you ever had that moment in your life when you were just looking for shiny pebbles, but you ended up finding a gem? Probably not. Not every body likes shiny pebbles, that includes me, so why did I just write that sentence? Well, I guess that is how I felt when I saw the drawings in the Crowning Glory Series of Taw Aoi ( not her real name). This series is made up of several illustrations that celebrate the part of a woman's body that makes them more beautiful or on the flip side makes them use more water and take much longer in the bathroom compared to men.

Saying that this series done by Taw Aoi ( not her real name) is good will be a disrespect to how gorgeous the artworks are. They are more than just good! Judging by the uniqueness of the whole concept and amount of detailed work that the artist have done, you should at least find an adjective which is way better than "Good", or even better, don't try to describe it. Just look at and get mind-blown by every single piece of drawing that you see.
"I concentrate more on the facial details and hairstyles and i always try to make one following my own style. i always try to make things simple, and it shows on every drawing."
Shapeshifter |
Taw Aoi is a pre-school education graduate who is still trying to find work. I heard that aside from making drawings, she is also an avid Film Photographer who belongs on the same photography club that William Lutz, Mary Joy Esclamado, and Mirjam Dalire belong to. When she draws she just uses a simple pen, a black marker, and some recycled paper. Nothing fancy. She stuck on these really basic materials since she started drawing ( which is really not a bad thing, it might even be a good thing) and she always makes sure that her favorite music is on as she tries to weave her magic on the blank piece of paper on top her desk.
Janice |
We asked Taw about what inspires her work. " I really do not know what inspires me but everytime I start to draw a face, I always feel the urge to finish it. At first others noticed the same facial details and they found it repetitive but it was that idea that I keep constant. So, eventually they got used to it and some even asked me to draw my own versions of them. I basically asked for their favorite photos and i then do my thing."
Fluid |
Peggy Oki |
Claire De Lune 2 |
Crowing Glory 002 |
Tres Marias |
Black and White
Janice's sketch is amazing. ♥♥♥ Galing mo Taw!